Today is a special day in the US, it's Thanksgiving. As with most other major holidays, I believe it plays a huge role in the economy; everyone's traveling, people buy more food (and probably more expensive food) than they usually do and it is always followed by the "Black Friday" sales. Many of us Catholics and other Christians have been against simply celebrating without paying attention to which is the original cause of the celebration. Perhaps Thanksgiving is not a religious celebration, however it is a good excuse to celebrate with your family, and giving thanks to God of course. If you believe in God, you should always thank Him for what He gives you, regardless of your religion. This does not mean that thanks should only be given once a year, but if giving thanks on a day like this you get to see family members which you only see once a year, and helps keep a better economy, then why not?
As a Mexican I learned about this holiday because I studied in a school founded by an American and two Mexican teachers, so yes, we used to celebrate Mexican Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Children's Day (on April 30th).
No turkey in the picture, I don't like it.