For the first and last time in my life, I went for an hour walk just past noon. I really don't mind the sun, but the heat was horrible. I arrived at two thirty, shivering and slightly cold, I was beginning to dehydrate despite drinking lots of water everyday. Fortunately, I started feeling this on my way back; less than a block away from home. No rain was expected for today, so I ignored towering cumulus clouds behind the mountain.

By four P.M. the sky was darkening quickly, and shortly after I heard the first rumbles of thunder. Heavy rain began twenty minutes later. Some other people in Monterrey reported small hail. At six P.M. most of the rain had moved east of the city, the sky was mostly cloudy, with mammatus clouds on top of me.

The air had cooled. Before six thirty hot air started blowing. I never expected to witness such a rare phenomenon (a heat burst) that usually happens with dissipating thunderstorms. It lasted a few minutes only, and the air slowly cooled again.
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