jueves, junio 20, 2013

Dog Days part 5: Time to move on

It was early in the night when the first rumbles of thunder were heard. The lights went out. The weather was pleasant, however, the place inside felt hot and humid. Cool air was not coming in through the windows and thunder would not let you sleep. The best you could do to beat the heat was to stand next to the windows and watch the show. After a while you get tired and feel like you ought to sleep, but there was no way to do so due to the continuous sound of thunder. The night seemed to last forever and clocks were stuck at midnight. Would this ever end? At times, in-cloud lightning was so bright that for an instant the city would be completely illuminated as if every lamp post was shining as bright as a stadium light, but without those lights being there.

I wake up, it was all a nightmare. The lights were out, but there was no storm. The air was indeed hot and uncomfortable. At dawn I see a message from the red haired lady:

I am waiting for you now, if you only knew that I need you more than you need me, your absence makes me suffer more than what you suffer for me. I need you to come to me by the end of next month. You and I will both miss the forests, but we’ll be in an oasis. I also promise shorter summers. I will go with you anywhere you want to go during Christmas and during the summer, and I would encourage you to take me with you back to Monterrey often, though not to live there permanently until we both retire. I love the place as much as you do, but this is not the place to make a living right now.

I found a picture at the end of the note; both her hair and eye colors were changing, both features with all their respective natural colors. A different color in either eyes and/or hair did not make her look less beautiful.

After a long fought battle the time has come to uncover the pot of gold, and this is not about money, it is about a lifetime adventure. It is exciting to know that you'll be moving to a place where you've never been. I will miss my friends and family, but I will keep coming back. I promise.

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