lunes, julio 30, 2012

Time to Fly!

When times seem to be difficult I can only imagine that I will temporarily go backwards in a slingshot, about to be released to fly indefinitely until I'm caught perhaps, to be thrown again. If thrown again, I would intend to go higher, farther...

The journey may be long and probably tiresome, but if the journey is enjoyed, it is worth getting tired. It is the reason why you wake up in the morning and look forward to this day.

In the end, I believe we all want to fall in the right hands, even though others may think of this differently. Who would be against a happy ending?

lunes, julio 09, 2012

2012 Elections in Mexico

The results of the elections were what most of us expected: PRI won by a significant margin, though not as significant as polls showed. A 6.6 margin over the leftist candidate should be around 3 million votes. People complain that PRI gave gift cards for groceries, cash, food, etc. Some others claim that hundreds or tenths of votes were either added to PRI or subtracted from PRD in addition to "buying votes". 

3 million votes is a HUGE margin out of 50 million. While I don't believe that 3 million votes can be bought that easily, this does not mean that this should not be investigated. The fact that investigating this  will not change the results DOES NOT mean that the ones responsible should be left without punishment. A punishment's objective is to prevent inappropriate behavior from happening again.

Any stolen votes should be subtracted, and the election results should be left according to what that subtraction shows. The ones responsible should also be shown in the media by the authorities to all of us Mexicans. 

This is a great moment to evaluate which parties (especially PRI) have always done during elections, and change the rules in such a way that we Mexicans can rest assured that vote fraud will not be tolerated. While the current scandal shows PRI as guilty, does not mean that other parties or candidates did not do the same. 

It is a shame that doing the right thing most of the time will make you unpopular. As I can see that, that is why I voted for PAN. Many others in my state did too (the state of Nuevo Leon is colored blue), though barely with a 41%.

I am not a politician and will never be, but I know that being liberal, moderate, or conservative has nothing to do with political views in Mexico. The fact that people from PAN have been the least corrupt is the reason why I have voted from them most of the times. 

My political views have been and will continue to be independent, no party in Mexico is worth of having my vote guaranteed. I support democracy, but in a fair play. I pray we get to have it in the near future.