lunes, febrero 17, 2014

American Houses: turning on the Air Conditioner... in February!

Unlike houses in Mexico, which are mainly made up of blocks and concrete, houses in the US seem to be mainly made up of wood. Regardless of that, I've noticed that they get hot quickly during a warm sunny day, even right after a thaw.

For instance, the attic in which I was living at last year was in the upper 70s (about 26°C) back in late November when I arrived from Mexico. 5 days earlier, there was still snow and ice on the highway when I had left. I turned on the air conditioner for a while.

Yesterday evening and today my new roommate turned on the air contidioner, trying to keep the house at 71°F, when yesterday morning, the heater was keeping the house at 68°F (20°C). It was 42°F (6°C) this morning and low temperatures have been in the 40s or lower so far this year. If temperatures have not risen any higher than the lower 80s (28°C), why should we need air conditioner?

In Monterrey, it usually starts feeling hot inside a house around holly week, regardless of whether this happens to be in March or April, but cooldowns in which the air conditioner is neither needed nor desired always follow a few times after that. Is that the reason why virtually everyone has air conditioner here in Texas? Probably not, but I'm sure that if houses were built like in Mexico, they would certianly wait until May to turn on the air conditioner, or at least here in Midessa.

Did I mention this? It has snowed twice this month, and I love it.