domingo, septiembre 22, 2013

1. The Moment of the Truth, 2. The World Turns Left

As we try to balance eating healthy and at the same time eating delicious, this is the moment of the truth: which grapes are the best tasting? I'll find out with my fruit allowance this week. I call it an allowance as I do not allow myself to eat more than one fruit type in a week, as I get to buy food just for myself now. The fruit will simply spoil (unless it's apple). The moment of the truth also comes as you continue with your first year of teaching to see which teaching strategies are the best, as well as if and when will you need to differentiate.

The sad truth is that the world is turning left, and no, this is not about politics. I talk about social liberalism. While no far right or far left policies are good, families are being torn apart and new "varieties" want to be included as part of the definition.

People will continue to struggle choosing right, center, or leftist politicians around the world. The real moment of the truth will not be clearly visible to everyone, so switching from one party to another will be the norm. A country's prosperity might not depend so much on which type of politician is in power, but in the honesty and capability he or she possesses. Choosing someone who is neither in the far right or far left might be a good start, however, the future of a country will also depend on how socially conservative families stay. I meant to say conservative, not very conservative. 

While we must not live in a world full of discrimination because of age, race, martial status, and religion, a true family should always begin with the marriage between a man and a woman. This does not mean that single mothers should be penalized or that unplanned babies should be aborted, but having two fathers or two mothers would be an awful experience for a child. We must respect others' opinions, beliefs, and likes, as long as they do not trespass others' rights. For instance, an unborn child has the right to live, if you do not want the baby, give it to someone who does, if you like to hang around with someone who does not like opposite sex people, don't have an innocent child deal with it. As this becomes more common, hopefully the moment of the truth will reveal that those couples' kids are better off living without the so called "family".

domingo, septiembre 08, 2013

Cuando te mantienes solo

Cuando te mantienes solo te das cuenta que el queso y la carne se compran en gramos, no en kilos, y aun así, puede que sobre. Vas al super y se te antoja todo. Que si esta semana quiero hacer un picadillo con papas, acompañarlo con arroz, este día pasta, este día verduras, que si quiero ensalada… Y aun la lechuga se te echa a perder aunque la compres en bolsas chicas donde ya viene partida. Vas a la joyería H-E-B (con eso de que en EU la fruta y verdura tienen precio de joyas) y se ven deliciosas las canastas que tienen uvas verdes, rojas y negras sin semillas, pero te das cuenta que no te has acabado las manzanas. Buscando hacer que rinda mas el dinero buscas ir a Sam’s y ves que a pesar de que la comida es más barata, las cantidades abundantes hacen que pueda haber más desperdicio. Vamos a ver qué tal nos va congelando la comida, y a ver qué tal queda un licuado de fresas que esas no las congelo.

Por increíble que parezca, es la comida “chatarra” (ah, pero İqué rica esta!) la más barata.  Medio galón de nieve Blue Bell, marca H-E-B o Dreyer’s te sale en unos 5 o 6 dólares, lo que te rinde más que 6 yogurts que cuestan el doble. El cereal, los dulces, las galletas rinden más como comida chatarra que la comida nutritiva. 

domingo, septiembre 01, 2013

Fall 2013

According to meteorologists, this is the first day of fall. Heat advisories are in place about 5 hours away from here (in the Metroplex), but I know it is just a matter of weeks or even days until it begins to cool down. We might be shivering by the end of this month. Regardless of that, no later than next month it will feel COLD.

With all of this, the real work has begun, and I am looking forward to make this job a rewarding one, and no, this is not about money, it is about results.