domingo, enero 27, 2019

Old Vs New Butterfinger Recipe

I recently came across this article that stated that Ferrero bought Nestle's products sold in the US. This includes my favorite chocolate bar: Butterfinger. I thought about buying Nestle's older recipe, which seems to still be found in most stores as well as the "new improved recipe." I bought fun-sized bars from both manufacturers. This is what I found:

The taste is OK. Yes, I'd eat it if I was hungry and had nothing else to crave, but the new version lost its excellent taste. I decided to eat the Nestle bar first and then the Ferrero bar. The first difference that I noticed right after trying the Ferrero bar was  that it was slightly less sweet, it had more of a peanut taste, and a light hint of salt. The old Butterfinger taste was gone!

As for nutrition information, the amount of calories stayed the same. Additional calories from fat replaced a little sugar. The pictures below show nutrition information for a serving of two Nestle and Ferrero fun bars respectively:

While looking at the ingredients, the only "good thing" that I saw was that hydrogenated vegetable oils were replaced by vegetable oils. While vegetable oils are not necessarily healthy, they are not as unhealthy as hydrogenated oils. On the downside, I believe that the new recipe has more salt, which is why the amount of sodium is higher. Ingredient lists for both Nestle and Ferrero are shown below:

While it's good for Ferrero to use less unhealthy food recipes, sacrificing this for a great taste will not have me buy any Ferrero Butterfingers unless they go back to the old flavor. While I completely acknowledge that a single person like me is statistically insignificant in such a large market, Facebook reviews don't look good, so there's probably a significant amount of people who think like I do.

What I'd love to have is the old flavor with healthier oils, and have the manufacturer replace all of the added sugars for an erythritol/stevia mix, which is made of natural sweeteners that have no calories. Ferrero chocolates will get my business back if and when the old Butterfinger flavor returns.

lunes, enero 21, 2019

Crónicas de un Eclipse Lunar Total

La noche anterior todo pintaba bien porque el cielo estaba completamente despejado en la casa de espantos, como puede verse arriba.

Al día siguiente todo empezó con un atardecer espectacular. No sabía si los cirrus iban a quitarse para ver mejor la luna, pero no podía perderme la oportunidad de ver algo que normalmente tardamos años en volver a poder ver. 

Los cirrus en vez de desaparecer cubrieron todo el cielo, pero afortunadamente fueron nubes muy delgadas que dejaron ver relativamente bien el eclipse. Aunque no se ve en las fotos, hubo un ligero halo alrededor de la luna. 

A diferencia de la vez pasada, donde la luna se vio color café, esta vez agarró un tono más rojizo. No se si en parte tuvieron algo que ver las nubes. No pude darle más zoom a la cámara porque la luna empezaba a salir borrosa:

Y curiosamente, los tonos rojizos no aparecen hasta que la luna está completamente eclipsada. Quien sabe porqué.