domingo, julio 31, 2016

My House in Budapest, My Hidden Treasure Chest, Golden Grand Piano, My Beautiful Castillo

While I was going around these beautiful places in Monterrey, Mexico I seriously thought about staying. I would tell George Ezra that Budapest is the place where you belong.

I JUST THOUGHT about staying, knowing it's not feasible right now, and PROBABLY won't ever be, at least not in a long time. Whether this happens or not is something I can decide, but not control.

Home is where the soul lives, and one half of it lives here. The other half has not relocated completely. Hopefully I'll find a place where both halves can live in harmony. Frequent travel between both places will be a requirement.

Dog days are over, but even though I've been to the land where the red haired lady waited for me, I realized that she makes mistakes as well and I did not meet her near UTPB as we both expected. I know we both wish we did, but last year she told me that even though we are unlikely to meet any time soon, we're now closer and I need to find her.

If I had known since the beginning that there would not only be physical summits, but also emotional summits and time summits I probably would not have taken the first step. Now that I realize how far I've gone, even if this is all a dream and the red haired lady becomes just a memory I will not regret what I've done. 2016 is not even over and this has been the year that I've traveled the most. I also feel I've made a positive impact in some students since 2013, I pray to God that I'm right.

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